Friday, April 1, 2011

Down with Flu and Hating Itt.

Its official. After couple of days of fighting it, I'm down with flu. Runny nose, headache, sore throat and fever. I could've pushed myself to do insanity again today, but its not worth it in the long run. I'm really really pissed right now since I can't afford to loose a single day.
With a little bit of deliberation here's what I'm thinking

Option A. Repeat the week
Option B. Reduce my cardio recovery week (week 5)
Option C. Suck it up and do it.

Since I've ruled out option C. Option B is looking a little better. Not know how long it will take to beat the flu, option B definitely works. Its very easy to give into food temptations when you're sicking (I just ate 4 crepes for lunch). Something I'll have to watch for.

I'll keep posting, see how/when I survive the flu and perhaps post my revised schedule. My goal is to wait until I stop coughing/sneezing as much (thereby reducing my chances of dehydration) and get back into the insanity. Wish me luck!!

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