Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 25 - Cardio Recovery and Ab Ripper X

I took yesterday off since it was my 32nd birthday and I knew I was going to cheat on my diet. Today is day 25 and I'm seeing visible changes. I took some pictures that I will upload with my next post. I also did a BF% to see what and how much has changed. I'm excited to share the results, but will do so after I finish this week.
Today I combined Ab Ripper X with Cardio Recovery just to get some oomph.

I struggled a lot with Ab Ripper X, it is the most insane abs workout. Now I think I'm going to include that or replace cardio abs with it.

Its a friday and i'm going to push tomorrow and day after with plyo cardio circuit and Pure Cardio (holy crap again!)

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