Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 24 - Upper Body Weight Training

So I've altered my schedule to include at least 1 UBWT. Today I replaced Plyo Cardio Circuit with UBWT. I love this routine, the workouts at different, a combination of resistance training mixed with a bit of plyo like the power jumps, genius!!

I have a feeling that the change in schedule is working. I need to work my pecs so the UBWT will help me do just that.

Since I took 2 days off last week, I have been going non stop since last Sat.
I was planning to skip tomorrow, but since it is cardio recovery, its like a day off.

I should've seen my previous post on UBTW.

Notes to myself
A. UPP the weights, go for the 30 lbs on shoulder presses
B. slowly include weights in the weight push ups
C. Use 30's for arms.

1 comment:

  1. You appears to take it very seriously. Only thing I know about exercise is that it should always be a pleasure & without stress & strain. Also exercise should be a life time routine & never follow a programme that guarantees removing flab from the body or toning your body in 30 days or 60 days.Such things are harmful in the long run.Follow it if you enjoy it.
