Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 11, continued

So I checked with the doctor and I'm okay to return to the program. I just finished day 11 - Cardio Power and Resistance. I like this workout, its a good blend of warmup --stretch --circuit training combined with push ups. Since I've still got some shortness in breath, I had a difficult time completing the circuit. Shaun T's words resonate all the time "When you rest make sure you recover completely before starting the circuit".

I'm fired up to hit it strong. I don't have results worth sharing. My fit test is coming up in 2 days, so you'll see that for sure.

I cheated a lot on my diet all through my sickness, but I wont beat myself about it anymore. Commitment is about standing up in the face of failure.

I'm coming back, with a vengeance.

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