Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Back!! - Upper Body Weight Training

I took a 3 day hiatus to recover from my flu. Although I'm not 100%, I decided to give it a try. I've altered my schedule a little bit to incorporate the Upper Body Weight Training.

...Just finished this routine that kicked my butt. I'm kinda glad I did this over the cardio alternative since my lungs still feel a little weak from the coughing and sneezing over the past few days.

About upper body training - Loved it. I was missing the weight training from P90X. This one fulfilled it. Although its the insane version of it. I took 1 min breaks and lowered my weights significantly since I'm new to the workouts. For the fly's I took 15's and squat curls used 20's.
Next time I'm going to up the weights.

I've decided to do UBWT once a week now. 2 Days to go before I do my next fit test, i'm kinda excited.

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