Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Food/Diet Plan

Wanted to share with peeps what I do diet wise, groceries, market list. This is a combination of things I've learned from the BeachBody basic diet guide and the Insanity nutrition guide

I found the Insanity nutrition guide far easier to understand than the P90X guide. So I primarily used that to come up with MY DIET PLAN. This is customized to my food preferences. I love dairy, veggies and Chinese. Plus my wife is a helluva nice cook. So its tough giving all that up.

Starting with baby steps, here's what I slowly started removing from my diet
1. High Sodium Foods (you only need 2000mg of sodium everyday). Soda's, white stuff (bread, fast food, chinese) is an insignificant part of my diet.
2. All Beverages have been replaced with water and/or green tea. I used to be an avid coffee fan, now its green tea, all natural.
3. Processes sugars - donuts, muffins, cakes, baked goods etc

Here's what I've added to my diet
1. Every morning breakfast includes - 3/4 cup oatmeal + fat free milk + protein powder + blueberries. Thats what I do every day, 5 days a week.
2. Salad and grilled chicken breast. I try to get this in 4 times a week at least. Ideally I'd like to do it every night. But its tough.
3. Greek yogurt. 1 Chobani everyday gives me enough carbs and dairy to keep the GI tract happy.

Here's what I've read is the key to it all. PORTION CONTROL. Eat 400 - 500 calorie meals spread across the day (5+ meals). So ideally get in 2000+ calories depending on your caloric needs. Here's what my day looks like

Morning: Post workout, protein shake
Breakfast: (oatmeal recipe above)
Lunch: Left over dinner or a grilled chicken salad
Afternoon snack: Chobani or apple
Evening snack: tea with whole wheat toast or a PBJ (English muffin + cottage cheese + fruit preserves)
Dinner: Either regular dinner of grilled chicken salad.

Words that inspire me
Tony Horton, think Food as Fuel
Villegas', "Sacrifice or Regret" you choose.

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