Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Catching Up (Day 28 - Day 39)

I know I have a lot of catching up to do on my blog. After Day 25, I got into the recovery workout week, This is one week of Core Cardio and Balance. I really enjoyed the exercise, it was not as
gruesome as the Insanity month 1 exercises nor as easy as Cardio recovery (which is mostly stretches). Since I lost an entire week when I was down with flu, I decided to cut this week shorter to 3 days as opposed to six. I'm assuming I'm not loosing much by doing so. Unfortunately I don't have a choice right now if I want to complete my program before my vacation.

So I hopped skipped and jumped over the recovery week and landed into Month 2.

Month 2 - week 1 -- recollecting the horrors

MAX Interval Circuit - Holy Crap, Shaun T just upped the Ante. Month 2 is a totally different level than Month 1 ever was. By the time I thought I had barely gotten used to the Core exercises, I feel like a noob at the gym again.

MAX Interval Plyo - My energy levels were not that high due to a common cold. So I could barely finish most

MAX Cardio Conditioning - This will go down in history as the toughest workout I've ever attempted. Some of the pushups were actually pretty innovative.

MAX Recovery - Recovery day, MAX style. I will now make this a yoga substitute if I do P90X again.

MAX Interval Circuit - I decided to replace this with Upper Body Weight Training, since I felt like I had over trained my lower body the day before.

GTG, see ya tomm

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