Monday, May 23, 2011

Before -After Pictures

<<<<<<<< Before 23.3% BF >>>>>>

<<<<<<<< After 14.8% BF >>>>>>

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fit Test 3 Results

Switch Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 50
Power Knees - 95
Power Jumps - 28
Globe Jumps - 8 rotations
Suicide Jumps - 12
Push Up Jacks - 25
Low Plank Oblique - 40

Day 47 - UBWT + Ab Ripper X

Got my weight training in today. Since my energy levels were fairly high, I was able to up my weights without much issue. After the grueling 55 min, I decided to do Ab Ripper X instead of Cardio Abs. Ab Ripper X is still by far the tougher Ab routine.
I slacked big time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 46 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I had to skip the fit test so I could get this one in. I'm amazed at how the folks in the video and Shaun T manage to finish this workout.

My fit test 3 results are still due, will get to that soon.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 45 - Upper Body Weight Training

I skipped Core Cardio and Balance and decided to go for Upper Body Training insane style. I have another week to go and want to get my bf% to 15 or lower (currently at 16.5%). I have a feeling that I'm plateauing, not sure where to look for answers.

At this point I'm more concerned about getting through this week, and leaving for my vacation.

I've also started looking into programs I want to consider after I get back from vacation. Options include

- Insanity p90x Hybrid
- p90x Plus
- Insanity Asylum (prolly not, dont care more about cardio)
- come up with my own.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 44 - Core Cardio Conditioning and Ab Ripper X

Core cardio is pretty badass. Since this is a weekend day, I decided to do this workout 4 ish when
energy levels are at its highest. It paid of fairly well. I put this one in the pocket and also squeezed in 20 min of Ab Ripper X.

Tomorrow is UBWT (skipping core cardio and balance for something more insane).

PIcs and Fit Test 3 posts and due.

Day 43 - Fit Test 3 and Max Recovery

So I decided to squeeze in the fit test with max recovery. I'll post results of Fit Test3 in a different post to show a comparison.

My body was pretty fatigued from the continuous beating and the additional dance rehearsals I"ve been going to. Barely 20 min into the Max Recovery (after the fit test), I was beat. And I mean
EXHAUSTED like I've never been in any of the workouts before. I skipped to the last 15 min of the recovery and actually had to take the day off to recuperate. I CANNOT afford to miss another day.

Day 42 - UBWT

Not much to report, besides a pretty good workout. I switched Max Interval Plyo with UBWT. The primary reason is to accelerate my fat loss. Since I'll be missing my last week, I need that extra boost. I've noticed my bf% not dropping as much despite the change in diet. I hope this change works out. Stay tuned

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 41 - MAX Interval Circuit

So I had a conflict during my regular work hours ( 8 - 9) and decided to do this routine much earlier at 6.30am, badd idea. Max Interval Circuit is a full 60 minutes of cardio circuit insanity style. Requires lots of energy. I'm glad I've started taking a scoop of whey 30 min before my workouts, without this I would not have lasted 30 mins on this one.

Back to my format
Motivation Meter (0 - 5) - 5 - I usually try to sleep in an extra 15 min after the alarm goes off. Not anymore ;)
Sore -o- meter (0 - 5) - 2. Big drop here after I started incorporating ON whey pre workout
Nausea Meter
(0 -5) - 1 - surprising low

Ups - Kept the motivation, took enough breaks but finished the darn workout.
Downs - Keep running out of breath. Not sure what to do about that. Even if I take a longer break, the second or third set get exhausting.
Notes to myself -
A. Add some carbs to the preworkout.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 40 - Core Cardio Conditioning

With month2, I'm really struggling to keep up with the exercises. I had a 4 day break, lost track of the diet, but I'm back and want to make up by including salad in my evening meals.

I also have my dance rehearsals on Tue/Thu so that should help keep the calories burning.

My main issue with core cardio conditioning is there aren't any breaks so its hard to keep of the breaks that I do take. The other issue is since I do it every morning, I have no carbs for instant energy. I'm thinking of taking a preworkout shake (1 scoop ON) about 45 min before my cardio. I tried it today and didnt really puke so should be fine.

Given my upcoming vacation schedule I won't be able to complete insanity completely so I'll prolly be a week short. Sucks, but can't help it. Next time I'll make sure there is buffer time in my plan

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Food/Diet Plan

Wanted to share with peeps what I do diet wise, groceries, market list. This is a combination of things I've learned from the BeachBody basic diet guide and the Insanity nutrition guide

I found the Insanity nutrition guide far easier to understand than the P90X guide. So I primarily used that to come up with MY DIET PLAN. This is customized to my food preferences. I love dairy, veggies and Chinese. Plus my wife is a helluva nice cook. So its tough giving all that up.

Starting with baby steps, here's what I slowly started removing from my diet
1. High Sodium Foods (you only need 2000mg of sodium everyday). Soda's, white stuff (bread, fast food, chinese) is an insignificant part of my diet.
2. All Beverages have been replaced with water and/or green tea. I used to be an avid coffee fan, now its green tea, all natural.
3. Processes sugars - donuts, muffins, cakes, baked goods etc

Here's what I've added to my diet
1. Every morning breakfast includes - 3/4 cup oatmeal + fat free milk + protein powder + blueberries. Thats what I do every day, 5 days a week.
2. Salad and grilled chicken breast. I try to get this in 4 times a week at least. Ideally I'd like to do it every night. But its tough.
3. Greek yogurt. 1 Chobani everyday gives me enough carbs and dairy to keep the GI tract happy.

Here's what I've read is the key to it all. PORTION CONTROL. Eat 400 - 500 calorie meals spread across the day (5+ meals). So ideally get in 2000+ calories depending on your caloric needs. Here's what my day looks like

Morning: Post workout, protein shake
Breakfast: (oatmeal recipe above)
Lunch: Left over dinner or a grilled chicken salad
Afternoon snack: Chobani or apple
Evening snack: tea with whole wheat toast or a PBJ (English muffin + cottage cheese + fruit preserves)
Dinner: Either regular dinner of grilled chicken salad.

Words that inspire me
Tony Horton, think Food as Fuel
Villegas', "Sacrifice or Regret" you choose.

Catching Up (Day 28 - Day 39)

I know I have a lot of catching up to do on my blog. After Day 25, I got into the recovery workout week, This is one week of Core Cardio and Balance. I really enjoyed the exercise, it was not as
gruesome as the Insanity month 1 exercises nor as easy as Cardio recovery (which is mostly stretches). Since I lost an entire week when I was down with flu, I decided to cut this week shorter to 3 days as opposed to six. I'm assuming I'm not loosing much by doing so. Unfortunately I don't have a choice right now if I want to complete my program before my vacation.

So I hopped skipped and jumped over the recovery week and landed into Month 2.

Month 2 - week 1 -- recollecting the horrors

MAX Interval Circuit - Holy Crap, Shaun T just upped the Ante. Month 2 is a totally different level than Month 1 ever was. By the time I thought I had barely gotten used to the Core exercises, I feel like a noob at the gym again.

MAX Interval Plyo - My energy levels were not that high due to a common cold. So I could barely finish most

MAX Cardio Conditioning - This will go down in history as the toughest workout I've ever attempted. Some of the pushups were actually pretty innovative.

MAX Recovery - Recovery day, MAX style. I will now make this a yoga substitute if I do P90X again.

MAX Interval Circuit - I decided to replace this with Upper Body Weight Training, since I felt like I had over trained my lower body the day before.

GTG, see ya tomm