Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Why's and What For's

Oct 2009 on my son's first birthday while the party was heating up and everyone was on their toes, I found myself running out of breath. While my son was blossoming with new levels of energy, I was 30, 35 pounds overweight and at my lowest lows. I needed to get back in shape, I needed to start exercising, I needed to be a role model for my kid. And so I joined a gym...

April 2010, six months later, my wife surprised me on my birthday by inviting all our friends over. I looked at the pictures the next day and thought to myself. The few days at the gym wasn't paying off, my diet was still terrible and I was still, 35 pounds overweight.

September 2010, I realized my biggest issue was, a lack of plan. How could I create goals when I lacked a program? How could I create a program when I didn't know what I could achieve? I start digging around and came across P90X. The information was limited so I decided to youtube it, holy smokes, people with incredible results.

After doing some research I decided to pursue P90X. Day after day, week after week, I continued to push play. I finally finished p90x on Jan 23 2011. Dropped 30 pounds and a decent amount of body fat. Went from 0.5 to 15 pull ups in 90 days.

As much as I enjoyed P90X, I was not able to make the same time commitment again. I started looking for something shorter with equal or greater intensity. That's when I heard of "Insanity".

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