Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

Loved it! It was not as intense and I kinda needed a mid week break. This workout routine was mostly stretching and some yoga. I think I finally found a substitute for P90X Yoga which although great is painfully loooog.

I'm going to skip the format for this blog, it simply doesnt apply. Although I do need the reminder to post my initial measurements


  1. hey buddy my name is lahcen, google search poped ur blog for me as i was browsing for people on Insanity, today was my day 13 . i read you did p90x thats awesome i think you should be fine then, just be prepared to a lot of sweat and maybe swearing :P . anyway i followed on twitter to keep on your progress. keep it up

  2. Hi Lahcen - thanks for the vote of confidence. I must say, despite p90x, insanity feels a lot difficult. Good to know you're making headway. Good job and good luck!
