Monday, May 23, 2011

Before -After Pictures

<<<<<<<< Before 23.3% BF >>>>>>

<<<<<<<< After 14.8% BF >>>>>>

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fit Test 3 Results

Switch Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 50
Power Knees - 95
Power Jumps - 28
Globe Jumps - 8 rotations
Suicide Jumps - 12
Push Up Jacks - 25
Low Plank Oblique - 40

Day 47 - UBWT + Ab Ripper X

Got my weight training in today. Since my energy levels were fairly high, I was able to up my weights without much issue. After the grueling 55 min, I decided to do Ab Ripper X instead of Cardio Abs. Ab Ripper X is still by far the tougher Ab routine.
I slacked big time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 46 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I had to skip the fit test so I could get this one in. I'm amazed at how the folks in the video and Shaun T manage to finish this workout.

My fit test 3 results are still due, will get to that soon.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 45 - Upper Body Weight Training

I skipped Core Cardio and Balance and decided to go for Upper Body Training insane style. I have another week to go and want to get my bf% to 15 or lower (currently at 16.5%). I have a feeling that I'm plateauing, not sure where to look for answers.

At this point I'm more concerned about getting through this week, and leaving for my vacation.

I've also started looking into programs I want to consider after I get back from vacation. Options include

- Insanity p90x Hybrid
- p90x Plus
- Insanity Asylum (prolly not, dont care more about cardio)
- come up with my own.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 44 - Core Cardio Conditioning and Ab Ripper X

Core cardio is pretty badass. Since this is a weekend day, I decided to do this workout 4 ish when
energy levels are at its highest. It paid of fairly well. I put this one in the pocket and also squeezed in 20 min of Ab Ripper X.

Tomorrow is UBWT (skipping core cardio and balance for something more insane).

PIcs and Fit Test 3 posts and due.