Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 1 - Fit Test

Yesterday was day1, fit test. Its a 20 - 30 minute exercise to gauge your fitness level. I did a preview of this last week just to test my knees (I'm still recovering my ACL surgeries in 2008). This time around the fit test seem slightly difficult given by 4 day binge during my vacation in Phoenix.
Here are the results of the test

Switch Kicks - 82
Power Jacks - 40
Power Knees - 60
Power Jumps - 18
Globe Jumps - 6 rotations
Suicide Jumps - 10
Push Up Jacks - 18
Low Plank Oblique - 30

So far these are just numbers and don't mean anything as far as how I'm tracking towards my goal. I do hope to see the numbers go significantly up.

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